Mastering The Bullwhip - Vols. 1 & 2
Mastering the Bullwhip with Anthony De Longis.
De Longis shares the secrets learned during his 35 years as a professional martial arts teacher and performer. He has trained with such greats as Fencing Master and Olympian Ralph Faulkner and Martial Arts legend, Guro Dan Inosanto and worked with many stars, including Michelle Pfeiffer, Placido Domingo, and Anjelica Huston.
As teaching aids, these DVD instructionals are supreme. Any art you study will be improved by employing the methods and techniques demonstrated in this series.
Volume 1: The Anatomy of the Bullwhip: Presents the basics of the bullwhip and the fundamentals of the De Longis rolling style that produces explosive energy with minimal effort. His methods combine knowledge and martial arts training to safely generate and focus the 700 mph velocity of the world's fastest and most powerful flexible weapon.
In Volume 1, De Longis teaches you to cultivate this supersonic ally and develop safe and consistent accuracy, the essential foundation to mastering the intricate flowing combinations that are his trademark. It's step-by-step and as easy as walking.
Grip and Stance
Forehand vertical
Gypsy vertical
Diagonal plane
Horizontal plane
The Reverse
Volume 2: Faster Than A Speeding Bullet: A Study in Minimalism and Efficiency. De Longis assembles the individual throws presented in Volume 1 into dazzling multiple crack combinations thrown from both sides of the body. The left hand is cultivated and two hand work examined. Exercises perfect the accuracy essential to refined target work and delicate partner body wrapping.
The Underhand
Vertical Combinations
Reverse Horizontal
Reverse Sidearm
Target Verticals
Horizontal Wraps
Multi-range use
Double Whips
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