Aggressive, Assertive Control & Defense Tactics - 4 DVDs Special Set
Special 4-DVD set offer. Over 3 hours of solid information for only $99.95
The entire set, with the bonus "Defensive Psychology" DVD is over 3 hours of mind changing, thought provoking, no nonsense information that can save your life in the worst of circumstances.
Each of the DVD's included in this set, "Aggressive Defense Tactics", "Aggressive Offense Tactics", and "Assertive Control Tactics" is chock full of ready-to-use now techniques. They are full of no-nonsense moves that can be quickly learned for effective and aggressive defense of yourself and others. As a bonus we are throwing in a "Defensive Psychology" DVD for free.
The bonus for buying the whole set is a 4th DVD, "Defensive Psychology". Separately the three DVD's are $39.95 each (a total of $120.00 if purchased separately), but if you buy the set you get all four DVD's for only $99.95.
That is a $20 savings and we are including a 4th DVD (worth $40 by itself) for free. That is about a $60 savings all together.
With Ray Ellingsen you will learn Aggressive Defense Tactics which only require a hand-full of simple gross motor skills that will effectively shock your attacker. Highly complex movements that require fine motor skills will take years of training to do effectively and will deteriorate under stressful situations.
This is why Aggressive Defense Tactics will work when others will not.
The entire set, with the bonus "Defensive Psychology" DVD is over 3 hours of mind changing, thought provoking, no nonsense information that can save your life in the worst of circumstances.
Each of the DVD's included in this set, "Aggressive Defense Tactics", "Aggressive Offense Tactics", and "Assertive Control Tactics" is chock full of ready-to-use now techniques. They are full of no-nonsense moves that can be quickly learned for effective and aggressive defense of yourself and others. As a bonus we are throwing in a "Defensive Psychology" DVD for free.
The bonus for buying the whole set is a 4th DVD, "Defensive Psychology". Separately the three DVD's are $39.95 each (a total of $120.00 if purchased separately), but if you buy the set you get all four DVD's for only $99.95.
That is a $20 savings and we are including a 4th DVD (worth $40 by itself) for free. That is about a $60 savings all together.
With Ray Ellingsen you will learn Aggressive Defense Tactics which only require a hand-full of simple gross motor skills that will effectively shock your attacker. Highly complex movements that require fine motor skills will take years of training to do effectively and will deteriorate under stressful situations.
This is why Aggressive Defense Tactics will work when others will not.
In this DVD you will learn:
• The “3 Rules of a Fight”
• 19 Street Effective Techniques
• Blind-Sided Attack? Defend & Counter
• Body Mechanics
• Body Manipulation Techniques
• 19 Street Effective Techniques
• Blind-Sided Attack? Defend & Counter
• Body Mechanics
• Body Manipulation Techniques
personnel and civilians for the past 15 years. He has worked in executive protection
and has been a consultant for security groups addressing the issues of use of force and
vicarious liability; subjects which are the foundation of Aggressive Defense Tactics,
or ADT
With Kathy Long you will learn Aggressive Offense Tactics useful when you stumble upon a crime in process or a violent situation and you must stop the assailant before further damage can be done. Unlike most martial arts DVDs, which are limited to a defensive position, this DVD teaches a pre-emptive and offensive mindset. Aggressive Offense Tactics covers specific techniques to disarm life threatening situations before they happen, quickly and efficiently.
In this DVD you will learn:
• The “Predator Mentality”
• Quick Anatomic Targeting
• Aggressive Take Downs
• Gaining Distance and Advantage
• Decisive Finishing Moves
• Quick Anatomic Targeting
• Aggressive Take Downs
• Gaining Distance and Advantage
• Decisive Finishing Moves
competitor. She has also been a nightclub bouncer and professional bodyguard.
She has worked closely with law enforcement and military personnel addressing
Aggressive Offense Tactics, or AOT.
With Eric Ritter you will learn Assertive Control Tactics that only require a hand-full of simple gross motor skills that will effectively control your attacker. Highly complex movements that require fine motor skills will take years of training to do effectively and will deteriorate under stressful situations. There are no fancy footwork or finger holds. This is why Assertive Control Tactics will work reliably while others don’t.
In this DVD you will learn:
• Controlling a “Passive-Resistant” Suspect
• 14 Effective Assertive Control Techniques
• How to Handle Multiple Attackers
• Pummeling Drills
• Immediate Weapon Retention
• Take Downs and “Caging”
• 14 Effective Assertive Control Techniques
• How to Handle Multiple Attackers
• Pummeling Drills
• Immediate Weapon Retention
• Take Downs and “Caging”
Eric Ritter is a former US Marine and a professional mixed martial arts competitor
with almost 30 years of fighting experience. Ritter is a peace officer with a major
metropolitan police department, and the department’s defensive tactics
instructor. The system he teaches to his fellow officers employs the use of
Assertive Control Tactics, or ACT.
The 3 DVD's alone are over 2.5 hours of solid content. Solid techniques you can learn and start using now. But more important than all of that is the proper mindset. If you do not have your "head on straight" all the knowledge in the world will nor help. That is why we are offering a special bonus if you buy the entire set. When you purchase the 3-DVD Set we will include a 4th DVD for free -- Defensive Psychology -- Only available when you buy the entire set together.
In Defensive Psychology you will explore the mental preparation and mindset needed to truly complete a physical fight. Ray Ellingsen, Kathy Long, and Eric Ritter as well US Marine Corps Captain Rafael Kosché and Police Officer Nathan Scott are interviewed on subjects necessary for the proper mindset of a fight. Combined, they give a clearer picture as to what it takes mentally to start, and finish, a fight.
Rather than being a techniques driven video, this DVD specifically covers the psychology of defensive fighting. That is, it covers the "before" and "after" of a physical confrontation.
Before you engage in conflict, you must understand your own mindset and have already pre-determined your own boundaries and triggers that make you react. You must also know what your goals are in ending the fight.
After a physical fight is over, there will be legal issues to contend with. You must know articulation and documentation as part of your overall defense strategy to survive legal and/or legal consequences.
In this Bonus DVD you will learn:
• Mindset
• Triggering
• Overcoming Fear
• Articulation and Documentation
• The 1-Second Rule
• Profiling
• Exit Strategy
The entire set, with the bonus Defensive Psychology DVD is over 3 hours of mind changing, thought provoking, no nonsense information that can save your life in the worst of circumstances.
• Triggering
• Overcoming Fear
• Articulation and Documentation
• The 1-Second Rule
• Profiling
• Exit Strategy
The entire set, with the bonus Defensive Psychology DVD is over 3 hours of mind changing, thought provoking, no nonsense information that can save your life in the worst of circumstances.
Hosted by Anya Monzikova