Grappling and Self-Defense For The Young Adult
This book was written for the untrained young adult who wants to learn how to "take care of himself" in those situations most likely to arise in his active, searching life -- an attack by a bully, drunk, drug addict, or thief.
Simple, easy-to-follow text and pictures describe effective proven methods which can be learned quickly by almost anyone. Hard-hitting, scientific blows, throws, locks, kicks, chokes, and disarming methods are carefully assembled in a concise handbook of selected methods which comprise the best of judo, jujitsu, wrestling, boxing, karate, aikido, savate, and other "martial arts." The rules of fair play were thrown out the window because this is a deadly serious little book designed to save you from a bad beating, or worse. Properly studied and applied, it will give you new confidence in your ability to stand up for your rights and defend your honor.